Prof. Dr hab. Jacek Bełdowski

Head of Laboratory at the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences. Leader of several EU and NATO projects regarding dumped munitions in the Baltic (CHEMSEA, MODUM, DAIMON, DAIMON2, EROVMUS). Specializes in marine geochemistry, focusing on pollution from UXO and heavy metals. Author of 60 publications and editor of NATO ASI book on dumped munitions. Author of environmental risk assessments, and environmental expertises on offshore windfarms, Nordstream pipelines and Harbors. Co-chairman of HELCOM MUNI and SUBMERGED groups, Polish representative to NATO AVT 330 group on marine munitions and JPI- Oceans Munitions in the Sea groups.
Dr Michał Czub

Researcher at Biology Department at the Warsaw University, affiliated also at the Institute of Oceanology PAN and Aarhus University. Marine Biologist, ecotoxicologist, hydrobiologist, oceanographer. Polish representative at the HELCOM SUBMERGED expert group. At his scientific work, focused on sea-dumped chemical munitions impact on marine ecosystems using next generation ‘omics methods from bioinformatics and anlaytical chemistry.
Dr Miłosz Grabowski

Researcher at the Institute of Oceanology PAN. Studied Oceanography (Gdańsk University) and Hydrography. (Polish Naval Academy). Specialised at geophysical noninvasive methods for sea-bottom mapping and recognition of anthropopressure. Experienced operator or ROV and AUV and Gis Analyst.
Maciej Kamiński

Entrepreneur, ew-business implementer, specialist in the Asian markets and Europe-China trade.
Dr hab. Lech Kotwicki

Oceanographer specialized in marine biology and ecology, focusing his research interests on the coastal zone, sandy sediments, benthic organisms, i.e. the functioning of sandy beach and shallow littoral ecosystems.
Author of Environmental Protection Plans for areas within the Natura 2000, as well as environmental studies, expertises and environmental impact assessments of marine investments.
Maciej Maciejewski

Entrepreneur, working in the Polish and Skandinavian construction and hydro-technical markets.
President of MAKAX, MAKAX Budownictwo and vice-president of JMK Development.